textile sale & how to make a slipcover | part 5

by | Jan 6, 2016 | All Things Home, Sewing, Tutorials | 20 comments

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As I’ve shared, I’ve been in a major cleaning and purging mood.  It’s been happening at home and at the studio.  The more I get rid of, the better it feels and I want to get rid of more, so I’m running with it.  Before we took a break for Christmas, Kriste and I cleaned out the fabric stash at the studio and I’m selling or pitching over half of the fabric I’ve been hanging onto.

We’re selling antique pieces

new and antique fabric remnants and some lots of scraps that can be used for small projects.  If you’ve wanted to have some antique hemp sheets or grain sacks to work with, but they are out of your budget, this is your chance to get some for a bargain!

I also just got in a huge order of antique hemp sheets from Europe and decided to kick off the new year with a special sale.  They are usually priced at $110, but I’ve listed them for $90/each for a limited time.

Everything is listed in the ONLINE SHOP HERE.  

We have boxes and bags and small piles of more things to sell, so we’ll be listing more in the coming days and weeks.

And, I’m sorry if anyone started making a slipcover before Christmas and I left you hanging!  I intended to edit and post the final video before the holidays, but it just didn’t happen.  Here is the final installment, though!  It’s another long one, since I wanted to make sure I showed enough detail to help novices and first-timers.  And I sometimes just get a little chatty.

In PART ONE, I covered how to make custom piping.

In PART TWO, I show how I cut my fabric pieces to get ready for pinning and sewing.

In PART THREE, we start cutting and pinning the fabric and the slipcover takes shape.

In PART FOUR, I show how to make the ruffled skirt (which could be modified to make a pleated one), how to attach the ribbon ties to the back and make the cushion cover…

I love how this slipcover turned out…

…and it is in my mom’s room now, just waiting for the rest of the room to be finish.  We’re working on that!

I tell my design clients that I’m free, but I’m not fast!  If you’re on my waiting list, you’re catching onto that.

We have made some great progress on the built-ins and I hope we’ll have them finished in the next couple of weeks at the latest.

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    1. karen l

      Thanks again for another great how-to video. One question though – do you finish your raw edges at all? I’m concerned about fraying when the slipcover goes through the washing machine? Any issues with that? Thanks Marian!

      • marian

        It depends on the fabric. Drop cloths fray a lot, so I used pinking shears to help minimize that. The hemps sheets don’t unravel a lot, so I don’t need to. Using a serger would be ideal, but I don’t have one, yet.

    2. kim l

      Do you have an application process to get on your waiting list? 🙂 I have a dining/living room that I’ve yet to find the right look/arrangement for in the 12 years we’ve been here.

    3. April

      The early bird gets the worm! When I click over to see your treasure for sale they are already sold out! Addition by subtraction. Such a good feeling…

    4. Marian L

      Ha! I was an early bird, at least in how fast I jumped over to see the sale items which happened no later than 10 seconds after receiving my email notice, and yet nothing but the sheets were left. I think the emails must go out in groups unless one person purchased all of the items : Happy for you but sad for me. Perhaps since you are so popular you can announce the date and time you will be going live with items, which gives everyone an equal chance (maybe?). It seems everyone wants a piece of you Marian, or at least something that was yours!

      Oh well, better luck next time!

    5. Debbie Reynolds

      Great tutorial! I think I am ready to jump in and do my first slipcover now! I think it is a great idea to do a post on your favorite tools. It is so easy to waste money trying to find the perfect scissors, etc. Thanks for everything you do!

    6. Stephanie

      I have a couple of chairs I want to paint and reupholster withe an antique hemp sheet. I’m going to go home and measure and hopefully order one while they’re on sale. Thanks for all your generosity. I hope I get to see you in CO this weekend!

    7. Alicia

      When are you expecting your next hemp sheet delivery? I missed out on your sale today! Again.

    8. Kris

      I’m with Alicia & April, immediate click to purchase some of the sheets, and they, and most everything else is already sold out, once again……I guess I just have to keep trying. Love that you do sell them though ~

    9. Dana Wall

      Ugh everything already gone 🙁

    10. Mary

      How can everything be sold out first thing @ 7:30 am, having just received this post.

    11. PJ

      What fabric would you recommend for making a slipcover? This will be my first attempt in many years, and I would like to use a fabric that is easy to work wit h and not too expensive. Any guidance you can give would be appreciated. Thank you again for these tutorials.


    12. Lauren

      Can’t wait to see the rooms progress!!! Im sad I missed out on the sale but ill keep my eye out for the next one!!

      Lauren Baxter | Lovely Décor

    13. Liz

      These tutorials are wonderful. I loved your first slipcover how-to series but this one is even better. Thank you!

    14. Perri

      Awwwww. Thank you for such a fun tutorial. My heart started beating irregularly when you sewed the ruffle without basting, gathering and pinning it first. It was like snowboarding for a Floridian. Exhilarating! I am ready for such craziness post-fifty. ? I’m so glad I found you by accident. I actually read every word of every post.

      The only teeny, tiny suggestion is to put links to the NEXT in the series in addition to the previous–thereby making it quicker (kinda like not pinning! ?) to get to the next lesson.

      ❤️ the outtakes, too!

      Here goes….

    15. MEAL5

      Such a good feeling…

    16. veefx

      Thank you again for these tutorials.

    17. Sandi G

      I used your wing backed chair slipcover tutorial many years ago And recovered with drop cloth material. Turned out perfectly! Thanks !

      • Marian Parsons

        So glad to hear!!

    18. MaryElizabeth

      Hi! I love your skirted settee slipcover and I wondered if you had a guide that you have or used that I could use to make one for my sofa? I want it to look just like that! It’s beautiful!


    Marian Parsons - Miss Mustard Seed

    I’m Marian, aka Miss Mustard Seed, a wife, mother, paint enthusiast, lover of all things home and an entrepreneur, author, artist, designer, freelance writer & photographer.  READ MORE to learn more about me, my blog and my business…

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