A few months ago, I decided to check out an antique store I hadn't been to in a while - the Fayetteville Antique Mall in Fayetteville, PA. I used to go there regularly when we lived in PA, but I...
antique shoe cart reproduction & inspiration
Over the years, I have bought and sold more antique "shoe carts" than I can properly remember. These antique shelves on wheels are called shoe carts because they were often used in shoe factories...
painting a vintage dough bowl
I've had this vintage wooden dough bowl for a few years. My mother-in-law gave it to me when they were cleaning out Jeff's grandfather's house. She thought I would like it and she was right. It...
Hand-Painted Ceramic Christmas Ornaments
I know that I'm slipping this one in at the last minute, but I wanted to share one more Christmas craft! You can scrape together the materials for this year or hunt and peck at some after Christmas...
farmhouse white chair makeover
A couple of months ago, I picked up this sweet vintage chair from a local antique shop for $25. It was just the kind of chair I had been looking for to use at my sewing desk. I don't typically sit...
milk painted dresser makeover
I know that my followers love a good furniture makeover and I have a good old fashioned painted dresser makeover today! This is a dresser I bought in the spring of 2019 when my mom and I were...
A huge announcement about Miss Mustard Seed’s Milk Paint
I wrote a post almost 10 years ago entitled "Everything is for sale". At that time, I was becoming known for selling pretty much anything including furniture we were actively using in our house. ...
milk paint backdrops, blueberry ink, & creative community
Last week was the first week that I felt like I was settling into a new routine. The previous weeks were about figuring out this new normal...the stress of feeling like I'm bringing toxic waste...
Furniture Dilemmas | Connie’s Queen Anne Highboy
Let's talk about furniture, shall we? That seems like a welcome diversion! Today, I'm going to share the step-by-step how-to for painting and finishing a piece like Connie's Queen Anne highboy.......
milk paint makeovers in barga
The main reason for my trip to Europe was teaching at a creative retreat in Barga. For one of our creative sessions, we painted an antique chest from the Cordati house where we had our workshop...