Live Painting Class | Landscape for Beginners

by | Apr 6, 2020 | Art, Artistic Endeavors, Popular | 32 comments

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Last Friday, I held my very first live oil painting class and it was such fun!  I have to admit I was very nervous, butterflies in my stomach and everything, but it ended up going well and I was floored at how many people participated and then shared their work with me.  And I was even more impressed by the quality of the work that came from people who were painting with oils or painting period for the very first time!

Anyway, Friday morning I got my workspace set up and tested out my computer camera to make sure I could get a good angle.  The tough thing about recording live is that I have to use the computer camera and the viewers need to be able to see the canvas, my palette, and me!  That’s a lot to fit into the frame!  So, I did the best I could and I heard mostly positive feedback from the set-up.  I would be able to get much better camera angles with my DSLR, but then we would miss out on the fellowship, which was one of my main reasons for doing the class live.

I laugh every time I see my face at the beginning of the video!  That pretty much sums up how I felt…

We got going, though, and the butterflies settled down.  We started painting and I answered questions and it felt much more natural.  Many people said it was a bright spot in their week and it was for me, too.  I signed off feeling energized and, even though it was just me interacting with a chat thread, I left feeling connected to others.

If you missed the class, you can watch it in three different formats!  I know, decisions, decisions!  You can find the supplies list for the class in THIS POST.

Here is the YouTube version, which has some of the chit-chat and dead time edited out, but it’s not the clearest resolution since it was downloaded from Facebook…

Here is the link directly to the recording on Facebook.  The resolution is much clearer and you can see the chat along with the video.  There were some morons who were spamming our class about a fridge auction just for yucks (they need a better hobby), but we eventually got them booted out.

And this video is two hours of class sped up to about 3 minutes!  If you just want to see how the painting came together without all of the instruction, this video is for you…


My favorite part of the whole class, though, was when participants started sending me pictures of their paintings, their workspaces, and their families painting together.  I actually was a little emotional looking through the paintings, seeing that many people have discovered a new talent or at least a sense that they have found a worthwhile pursuit.  There were way too many pictures to share, but here are some of them…

This one was by a girl painting with her mom…

This one was done in gouache…

This one is done by a high school student…

I love this collection from a mom and two kids…

This is one simplified to paint on a 5 x 7 canvas panel…

Here’s how mine turned out…

Aren’t their paintings wonderful?!  And, as I said in the beginning, some of these paintings are by people painting for the first time or the first time with oils!

This was my first painting in oils…

So, they’ve all got me beat!

I also loved that people worked with what they had.  We all know that getting supplies is tricky.  Most of us aren’t leaving the house for non-essentials and the mail is slower than we’re used to.  This meant that some people had to use what they had on hand…all different paint mediums, kid’s paintbrushes, different kinds of papers, etc.  One woman even used just a piece of canvas and applied some gesso on it right before the class, so she had something to paint!  That’s industry, ingenuity, and creativity at work before the class even got started.

It was so good that I’m going to make it a regular thing…at least for a little while as we’re stuck at home.  I agree that it was a bright spot and we need bright spots right now.  We’ll meet at the same time each week (Friday at 2:00 CST) and work on different paintings or paint/related projects.  This week, I’ll show how to make different kinds of color charts and talk through how they are helpful.

Here are the supplies you’ll need…

  • Paints (I’ll be using oil paints, but you can use acrylics, watercolors, gouache) in any colors!  I would suggest using colors that you want to make a part of your regular palette.  You need at least two colors and white.
  • If you’re using watercolors or gouache, you just need a brush and a mixing surface.  If you’re using oils or acrylics, you’ll need a palette and a palette knife, preferably one with about a 1″ blade.  A brush is okay if that’s all you have.
  • Paper or a canvas panel (I use a 9×12 canvas panel)
  • Paper towels
  • 1/4″ masking tape or 1/8″ masking tape (Again, this is optional.  It makes the squares nice and straight, but you can still make a color chart if you don’t have it.)

The thing I love about color charts is that they are a way to work with paints and learn when you’re not feeling particularly inspired to paint a specific subject.

And they can be art in and of themselves…

We’ll meet on my Facebook page again at 2:00 CST this Friday (April 10, 2020).

See you then!

Here are links to all of the other live painting classes…

Cow Grazing

Still life with glass & flowers

Under Painting & Still Life Pear

Still Life Pear

Mini Landscapes

Index Card Art | Seago Study

mixing color charts & books for beginners

painting clouds in oils for beginners

landscape oil painting for beginners


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  1. Carol

    You were fabulous! No need for butterflies when you are a natural teacher. I ordered my panels for pickup at Joann’s and ordered my 1/4 tape from Amazon. See you on Friday!

  2. monique campeau

    Thank you! I cannot wait..How beautifully presented always.
    So gracious of you to share.

  3. Melissa

    I’ve never left a comment, but I’ve read your blog for a few years now. I just started dabbling in oil paint a few months ago, and haven’t really known where to start. Oils can be so intimidating! I’m so excited to follow along every week, have some fun and clear my mind. Thank you Marian!

  4. Laura F

    How inspirational! I am on reduced hours, off on Thursdays and Fridays….so I can now participate 🙂 EXCITED!

  5. Charlotte

    I learned so much from the class last Friday. Thank you for sharing your talent with us. See you Friday!!

  6. Tracy

    Either you are a very good teacher or you have some very artistic followers!

  7. Barbara Ann

    This just proves that everyone has artistic abilities and talents, and that not everyone’s has to look the same. I’m going to watch and learn on one of your saved sites since I wasn’t able to join your live painting session last week.
    I can’t wait!

  8. She in Northern Iowa

    Just a shout out to all of you who painted last week: AMAZING!!!! I can’t believe most of you are first-time painters… the talent out there is phenomenal. I can’t wait to see what you all do in the next few weeks! Thanks for sharing your work.

  9. Deborah

    These works are fantastic! Every one is worthy of its own spot on a WALL where people can routinely see it (NOT On the fridge). Congratulations, one and all!

  10. Carolyn Kellam

    Such beautiful work by all! I love the scene you selected and how everyone’s unique artistic slant brings something a little different to the end result. I need to get some supplies and catch up with the rest!

  11. Lyndall

    Wow what an exciting opportunity for the community! I had such a wonderful time participating. Sadly I won’t be getting up in the dark hour of 5am weekly BUT you can bet your bottom dollar I will be just itching to get hold of the recordings! Can’t wait! And thank you-thank you for investing in us x

  12. Kerri LaFornara

    Everyone did so good ! All my supplies are still back ordered so I feel like I am going to be so behind. But I will do my best to play catch up once they come in. I had fun just watching Friday and will tune in again this Friday. So fun !

  13. Judy Karlson

    Your paintings a wonderful! They are reminding me of a poem, only parts of which I can recall at the moment so I’ll paraphrase and perhaps someone can fill in the blanks….’two paths/forks in the road and I chose the one less traveled by and that has made all of the difference’!! Author? It’s a famous name …your paintings have a fork in the road and you have chosen a path to paint….and it sounds like that choice has made a great deal of difference for so many of you who painted last week. Thanks for the pleasure of viewing your successes!

  14. Wendy

    I would be happy to display any of those pictures in my house. They each express the artists own personality.

  15. Kathie B

    Thanks so much Marian for doing the class. I haven’t done it yet. It was a little too early in the morning in Australia but I have saved it to do today. I’m very grateful that you are so generous to share and inspire. Keep safe.

  16. Susan Rakowski

    I just watched your Facebook class video today (finally!) and painted along with you. Marian, your class was so well done and so instructive. Thank you! I have been reading your blog for many years and since I decided to get back into painting last fall (I took some classes back in college), your Art Resources page has been like a bible to me and your posts about painting have been both instructive and inspirational. Thank you! I am looking forward to your next class!

  17. Sheri

    Everyone’s painting is very good!

  18. Suzanne

    This made my day! I so enjoyed the first class and have been checking Instagram everyday hoping to hear you’re doing another. So thankful for your enthusiasm and hard work to connect with us all at such a crazy time. Best to your family and stay safe.

  19. Sandy Ferguson

    Can you give information on your wood easel the brand and where to buy it?

  20. Louise

    Oh my goodness I’m going to join in next time. This is a wonderful idea.

    For the last year I’ve been trying my hand at acrylic painting. Look up some Angela Anderson and John Magne Lisondra. They have the camera focused on the canvas. The talk the whole time and you see them occasionally but for the most part you can focus more on the painting, how the brush is angled on the canvas, the details. As lovely as it is to see you I don’t think it is as important. At the beginning and end for sure

  21. Margo

    For Judy Karlson, the poem is The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost.

  22. Ruth

    Yay! I’ll be joining you.?

  23. Jo

    I agree that you are a natural teacher. I was telling a friend about this class and I told her how, really, there is nothing you can’t do! you decide to try oils and the next thing you are selling them and teaching others. You are so incredibly talented. I am so happy you want to continue these classes. I can’t wait for the next one. Thank you so much for everything you are doing for us!

    • Marian Parsons

      Aw, thank you! There is a lot I can’t do, but I’m always willing to give something a try! 🙂

  24. Donna Burke

    I can’t wait to join in! I love how each one is special and different. ♥ A bright spot in a darkened world. ♥
    THANK YOU! ♥

  25. Pamela

    I enjoyed watching this from beginning to end! I didn’t paint, but after it was done, I ordered all the supplies and want to give it a try, you made it look doable! And I loved seeing everyone’s works of art! My questions is….
    Where did you find your pallet? Love the size of it, most of them I have found are little ones… THANK YOU again for inspiring us all to try something new! And I can’t wait to see what’s up next!

    • Marian Parsons

      I bought it from Jessica Henry, an artist who also makes custom palettes.

  26. Colleen Hildeburn

    Hello! I watched your LiveStream and will test my raw talent this weekend. Can you direct me to the image that I should print as my model? Not sure if it is the photo or your painting. I love how many of you brought more light to the trees. Looking forward to my attempt!
    Thank you

  27. Alissa

    Thank you so much for doing this class. I’ve never painted with oils until today, and I learned so much. I would really enjoy doing another one some time soon!

  28. Laura

    Wow, such beautiful paintings everyone did!!! Bravo!! I wasn’t able to tune in but plan on watching the videos when my daughters and I can get together and try our hand at it. Thanks Marian!

  29. Laura B

    Wow, such beautiful paintings everyone did!!! Bravo!! I wasn’t able to tune in but plan on watching the videos when my daughters and I can get together and try our hands at it. Thanks Marian!


Marian Parsons - Miss Mustard Seed

I’m Marian, aka Miss Mustard Seed, a wife, mother, paint enthusiast, lover of all things home and an entrepreneur, author, artist, designer, freelance writer & photographer.  READ MORE to learn more about me, my blog and my business…

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