little studio tree

by | Dec 15, 2022 | All Things Home, Decorating, Winter | 13 comments

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When I plunked the little artificial tree on a stool in my art studio, I figured it would just be there temporarily.  It was more about putting it in a semi-finished place and less about feeling like that was the best spot for it.  But, as I got distracted by other things, the little tree stayed on the stool in the studio.  That is where it was going to be this year and it felt right.  I decided to decorate it fittingly for an art studio tree.

art studio Christmas tree | miss mustard seed

(As a side note, I bought this tree six Christmas seasons ago from and it’s not been available since, sadly!  It is such a great little tree that comes in the basket.)

Last year, I made some clay ornaments stamped with graphics of antique paint tubes.  You can read about how I made those HERE.  They were so simple, but I just love how they turned out!  I made a lot of ornaments and crafts last year and these might’ve been my favorite just because I am so fond of antique art supplies.

antique paint tube clay ornaments | miss mustard seed

I picked these off of the larger tree in the living room, because they were just perfect for the little studio tree.  For other ornaments, I added a mini palette ornament by Sylvan Clay Works.  This little tree might be the official annual studio tree and I’ll make a few more art-supply-themed ornaments to add.

Since a string of lights would be a bit too clunky on this little tree, I added some battery-powered candles that I glued into vintage-style candle holders.  I shared how I did that in this post – LED Christmas tree candle hack

Christmas tree candle LED light hack | miss mustard seed

It’s simple, but it makes me smile.  I’ve never had a Christmas tree in my art studio and now I’m wondering why!  I turn on the lights and it’s just a nice festive touch.

art studio Christmas tree | miss mustard seed

So far the studio has been functioning well, but we will be making a few changes in the next couple of months that will make it a better studio for me.  One – we’ll be adding French doors, so I can close the cats out (they always step in my paint if they have the chance) and isolate myself a bit when I need to work.

home art studio | miss mustard seed

And, in January, we’re adding recessed lights, which will be amazing!  Right now, it’s so dark in that room in the evening that it’s not practical for work.  I enjoy sneaking off into my studio in the evenings if everyone else is occupied.  It feels like bonus creative time for me that I enjoy.  Right now, it’s just too dark in there to do my sneaking away!

home art studio | miss mustard seed

We’ll also be adding more shelving, I’m still hunting for a desk, and I need to address the windows for privacy at night.  It’s all coming along, though!  I hope to do some more wall and trim painting over the Christmas break, but we’ll see.  I might opt for more restful pursuits…

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    1. Cheri

      Inspired by your little tree — I put one in my studio a few weeks ago and I love it! It only has lights. For now. But I still love it!

    2. Janet in Kansas City

      With such great pieces it will be amazing. It was hard to see you leave your last studio because it was so beautiful, but this will be as well. So inspiring! I’m keeping my eye out for things like your used paint palettes on the wall, so far I haven’t come across any. Thank you for sharing all your great ideas. ?

    3. Crystal

      I think it’s great that you have a personal tree in your personal space. And adding ornaments you made yourself is the icing! I’m always for anything that brings joy… am really enjoying seeing how you are turning this house into a home

    4. Dianne

      Thank you so much for the inspiration each day. Especially at this time of year I need encouragement to keep the ideas coming. I love the studio tree! I have one in my office/studio too, very simple. You are so amazing and wonderful. Merry Christmas to you and your family. (Maybe a Christmas song this year, since you are near your family.). I loved those!

    5. Mayanna

      Love the wooden pallets. They are art. The tree is lovely. I have a small artificial tree that was my mother’s. I decorate it with tiny wooden German angels.

    6. Ellen Shook

      Every time I see your little French chair I smile, because I bought the matching pair from you at Chapel market. I use one at my bedroom writing desk and the other one next to my shoe closet so I can sit down to put on my shoes. The studio tree is sweet and what a clever idea for your ornaments,


      Marian, I love your little Studio tree! It’s so pretty! Enjoy!

    8. Mary S

      So Cute… Should leave it up all year and change the colors/
      ribbons, etc. Fun!! I love it.

    9. L Thompson

      I bought several of the trees from Target after you recommended, got after Christmas in
      varying sizes at a great price from different Targets. One daughter borrows one or two each year and then brings them back. They have held up well outside where she has used.

      Glad you have returned closer to my area. I always thought you would.

    10. N. MacGregor

      The little tree in your studio would look amazing with a few sets of tiny “ferry lights” plus the lights will provide much needed light in your studio in the evening.
      Not sure where you could buy ferry lights in your area (I am in Canada) but I believe Dollarama, Ikea, Michael’s and probably Walmart carry “ferry lights” – we no longer have Target in Canada.
      BTW – “ferry lights” are really tiny lights and they often come with a battery pack so they don’t need to be plugged in.

    11. Kim

      Oh, there is a tree almost exactly like this one, just a couple of inches shorter, available at IKEA this year! I bought a couple of them. They look SO real and are the perfect small tree. Also, extremely affordable. The tree name is “Vinterfint.”

    12. CathyR

      I think you’ve started a trend. We are seniors in retirement and a big tree doesn’t fit our lifestyle so I have 2 mini trees. But now I see a third in my future…one that stays up all year in my Art Room with seasonal decor.
      A Studio Tree—just perfect

    13. Bettsi

      Marian, the tree and your studio look so pretty in that view through the entry! What a delightful spot. I’m sure you’re going to love having the overhead lights.


    Marian Parsons - Miss Mustard Seed

    I’m Marian, aka Miss Mustard Seed, a wife, mother, paint enthusiast, lover of all things home and an entrepreneur, author, artist, designer, freelance writer & photographer.  READ MORE to learn more about me, my blog and my business…

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