the world tour!

by | Oct 29, 2012 | Running a Business, Writing a Book

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I’m being a bit facetious with that title.  Or perhaps hopelessly optimistic.  The amazing thing about this blog journey is that it always surprises me.  I think, “Oh, such-and-such would be pretty far-fetched, so it probably won’t happen.”  But then it does in some unexpected and amazing way.  So, will my book end up taking me on a world tour?  Who knows.  Probably not, but I’m getting an updated passport just in case I have the chance to visit our northern neighbors or visit my girls in the UK!

I don’t have a grand book tour scheduled through Thomas Nelson, my publisher.  This is going to be a grassroots “book tour.”  Me coordinating with people who want me to come to their place of business to sign books, teach a workshop, give a seminar, or to fetch coffee and doughnuts or all of the above.  Having never done this before, I’m totally flexible! It’s going to be me driving around in my minivan or flying coach next to my husband who will make sure I get where I need to be on time.  It’s going to be a blast and I’m looking forward to each trip.

I’m in the early stages of getting things nailed down, but I’ll definitely visit the milk paint retailers who are within a reasonable driving distance from central PA.  So far, I’ll be at Lucketts for the Holiday Open House on November 2-3 from 10 am – 5 pm.  I certainly don’t expect to sit and sign books both days all day, so I’ll bring some milk paint to play with as well.

Then I’m just driving down the road from my house to Urban Vintage in Chambersburg, PA on Monday, November 12, from 6-8pm.  On Saturday, November 17, I’ll be at D’Bohemia in Harve de Grace, Maryland to teach a mini-workshop on using Milk Paint from 9-10 am (visit THIS POST for details on attending) and will stay for a book signing from 10:30 – 12:30.  D’Bohemia is having a giveaway to celebrate (paint, a book and some goodies), so click HERE if you want to enter.

Photo via D’Bohemia

I’ll also be heading down to my old stomping grounds in Warrenton, VA to visit The Empty Nest on December 15 from 12 – 2 pm.

I’m currently looking into visiting Florida, California, Texas, Tennessee, Arizona, Arkansas, Kansas and more in 2013!  This won’t really be a tour, but more of a here and there thing.  I do have a family and a business that needs attention, so I can’t take off for weeks at a time.  I’ll just work it in when I can.  I’m looking forward to meeting some of you and the retailers who have joined me on this journey.   Seeing some of the US will be quite a nice perk as well!

Just keep an eye on the side bar and my Facebook page for new events!

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    Marian Parsons - Miss Mustard Seed

    I’m Marian, aka Miss Mustard Seed, a wife, mother, paint enthusiast, lover of all things home and an entrepreneur, author, artist, designer, freelance writer & photographer.  READ MORE to learn more about me, my blog and my business…

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