Last week, I took some time to pay a bit of attention to my pens and pencils. If you use disposable ballpoint pens, that might sound like an odd task, but I primarily use fountain pens, refillable...

Last week, I took some time to pay a bit of attention to my pens and pencils. If you use disposable ballpoint pens, that might sound like an odd task, but I primarily use fountain pens, refillable...
I started working on the dining room mural when there were still nail holes in the walls that needed to be patched. I was doing so well with taking each step of the makeover in its proper turn. I...
One theme that often comes up in e-mails, comments, and messages from blog readers and social media followers is being good at something. I get all sorts of comments in that vein... I'm not good...
I'm going all in on the hydrangeas in the backyard around the pool. I've planted mostly limelight hydrangeas because they are such reliable bloomers and, in my experience, seem to be pretty...
I've already shared about my love of collecting shells that look like they have a story to tell. I like ones with holes, imperfections, and shells that have been repurposed by new owners like...
We have six large maples that are half a century old framing our house. I love the dappled light they make on the house in the morning and evening and the shade they provide in the summer. They...
I just turned 46 years old last week and, on Sunday afternoon, I mowed a lawn for the first time in my life. I come from a long line of lawn-mowing women. Well, I suppose two women isn't exactly a...
On Instagram over the weekend, I shared a confession. I posted, "I don't know who needs to hear this, but I still have pumpkins on my porch." Of course, I meant it to be a bit of self-deprecating...
What started as "feeling under the weather" and having a bit of a sore throat early last week turned into being flat-out sick mid-week. So instead of photographing things I've worked on, painting...
I have loved Christmas for as long as I remember. I have been blessed to have happy memories of Christmas with my family and it's always been my favorite time of the year. I love the food, the...