Oil Painting Class No. 2 | Making Color Charts
Welcome to one of my favorite parts about oil painting – playing with color and making color charts to reference and hang in your studio!
In this video, I show examples of different kinds of color charts, share how they are useful to improve your color mixing scales and get to know the colors in your palette, show how to tape off a chart and make a two-color color study. I also share some of my top painting book picks for beginners.
Making Color Charts List of Materials
- Paints (I’ll be using oil paints, but you can use acrylics, watercolors, gouache) in any colors! I would suggest using colors that you want to make a part of your regular palette. You need at least two colors and white. I used Burnt Sienna, Veridian, and Titanium White.
- If you’re using watercolors or gouache, you just need a brush and a mixing surface. If you’re using oils or acrylics, you’ll need a palette and a palette knife, preferably one with about a 1″ blade. A brush is okay if that’s all you have.
- Paper or a canvas panel (I use a 9×12 canvas panel)
- Paper towels
- 1/4″ masking tape or 1/8″ masking tape (Again, this is optional. It makes the squares nice and straight, but you can still make a color chart if you don’t have it.)
Making Color Charts Video
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