While I was finishing up the slipcovers I shared yesterday, Kriste worked on giving a few pieces in my dining room a fresh coat of paint. (She was standing in front of the sink, mixing paint, and...

While I was finishing up the slipcovers I shared yesterday, Kriste worked on giving a few pieces in my dining room a fresh coat of paint. (She was standing in front of the sink, mixing paint, and...
It's time for another upholstery series! If you missed my last one, I showed how to upholster a wood-framed, French-style chair. You can find it HERE. If you're scared of upholstery, you're going...
When I was out shopping for the upcoming Lucketts Spring Market last week, I was looking for artwork for my living room as well. I was really hoping for a pair of charming paintings, but I didn't...
Sooo...I've been know to rearrange, trade and swap furniture in my house. I've always done that, but it's so much more tempting (and easier) when I have a steady stream of awesome furniture coming...
Decorating the house for Christmas this year has been so much fun for me. I stayed home from the studio three days last week to blast some Christmas music and fill the house with fresh greens and...
This is my second time refinishing floors and I learned a lot through my errors the first go-around. Since scooting around on diaper boxes to wipe up excess stain (you can read about those antics...
This weekend, we finally took the plunge and sanded down our floors. I've been wanting to for a long time...well, and not wanting to at the same time. It's a total pain. It's messy and it's...
The living room is in the front of our house, which faces south. Most of the day, the room gets beautiful light..streaming through the dining room and front windows in the morning and in long,...
I know it's not even Halloween, yet, but it's about time to start thinking about the holidays and the parties, guests and decorating that comes along with it! I've partnered with Joss & Main to...
Today the boys are off school for the Columbus Day holiday. Three day weekends like these always catch me by surprise, but we always find a way to just roll with it. Jeff was out for the day, so...