This year, I focused my Christmas decorating on our home's three public (and most used) rooms - the kitchen, living room, and dining room. Some years, I will add decor to the bedrooms, bathrooms,...

This year, I focused my Christmas decorating on our home's three public (and most used) rooms - the kitchen, living room, and dining room. Some years, I will add decor to the bedrooms, bathrooms,...
When I shared about using presents as part of Christmas decorations yesterday, several people asked here and on Instagram about two things: How did I get the Christmas tree to stand up in the...
We're back home from visiting family for Thanksgiving. We unpacked and put up the Christmas tree the day we got home so we had lots of time to enjoy the lights and ambience through the season. I...
Last week, I made a final push to get the dining room mural to a place I could call it "done for now" and put the room back together. The best part was hanging up the new curtains custom-made for...
I started working on the dining room mural when there were still nail holes in the walls that needed to be patched. I was doing so well with taking each step of the makeover in its proper turn. I...
As I've shared the process of working on the dining room landscape mural, several people have commented on the "paint-by-number" look. (Not in a negative way, but pointing out the departure in style...
I had the palette selected for the dining room mural. I've painted murals before including a landscape mural in my previous dining room. I had inspiration pictures, sketches, and a vision. Now...
Every house we've ever lived in has had almost outlets and switches. Every single one. I keep thinking I might get away from them at some point, but I haven't managed that seemingly impossible...
I have finally finished all of the trim and painting in the dining room that needed to be done before I started on the mural. After having only primer on the walls for over a year, this feels like...
I feel like I keep returning to the same decorating bag of tricks with picture frame molding, but it is such an inexpensive and easy way to add architectural detail to a space that it's hard to...